Integrated software for developing cross-platform applications 
The WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile environments are compatible and share project elements. It has never been easier to build multi-target applications.
Some of the new features included in the new versions of WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile.

Electronic Signature
Electronically signed contracts are now widespread. Version 2024 makes it easy to include this functionality in all your applications and websites. All processes are written in WLanguage.

Flexbox in Windows and Mobile
Flexbox is an adaptive layout method that allows controls to be positioned relative to each other. Although it is mostly used in web applications, this mode is also used on Windows and mobile devices, for controls with dynamic content (e.g., long text spanning over several lines or translation into several languages), or when a window is resized. Controls are laid out in rows or columns, according to precise rules which are cumulative. Positioning is relative rather than pixel-based. Flexbox can be used on the entire window, or only on a group of controls.

Bottom Sliding Window
WINDEV Mobile 2024 features a new window display mode: Bottom Sliding Window. This window opens from the bottom of the screen. The bottom sliding window has 3 possible sizes. Each size can be configured.

Collapsed: compact window
Half-expanded: medium-sized window
Expanded: full-size window, with all the content

New CSS Grid Control
CSS Grid is a layout system used in web pages. Positioning is defined in cells that are laid out in rows and columns. These cells contain controls. Unlike Flexbox, which is one-directional (horizontal or vertical), CSS Grid is two-directional (horizontal and vertical). CSS Grid can be used for the entire page, or only for a given section. You can combine grids and Flexbox containers. Use the 7-tab window to define the properties of the new CSS Grid control. You can write custom CSS code in a specific section of this window

Favorite Controls
If you often use the same controls with the same styles and code, you will love version 2024. Simply right-click a control or selection of controls and select "Add to favorites". A Favorite control can be composed of multiple controls. For example, an Edit control with an associated filter button. Favorite controls within a project are accessible to all project contributors. You can share Favorite controls between different projects. You can also copy Favorite controls from one project to another. A new button in the ribbon opens a list with all your Favorite controls, classified according to the tags defined when they were created.

Understand code with the Power of AI
We've all been there: Working on code written by another developer or maintaining very old code, and not understanding what the code does. In version 2024, you can ask the code editor to generate an explanation in natural language using AI, with one click. The code editor's AI mechanism can automatically generate the documentation of a procedure. These comments can be generated in Doxygen format.
Version 28 offers an incredible amount of new, instantly useful features.
Since they'll enjoy developing a lot more, your teams will be even more productive!
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