Integrated software for developing cross-platform applications 
The WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile environments are compatible and share project elements. It has never been easier to build multi-target applications.

AI WLanguage code generation
Version 2025's AI-based generative code technology provides WLanguage code suggestions as developers type, drastically reducing the time needed for coding.

Segmented Button control
The new Segmented Button control can be understood as a set of ON/OFF buttons grouped together in a single control. By default, this control uses a cohesive design language. As users expect, the control supports single or multiple choices. The content of each choice can be a text or an image. Programming is much simpler.

Reactive procedure
Reactive procedure automatically executed when a control or variable is modified

The Reactive keyword indicates that the procedure must observe the variables and controls used in its code. The keyword also tells the procedure to execute if any change is detected.
A Reactive Procedure can be global (and therefore permanently reactive), local to a window or local to a control.

3D visualization of UI layers
WEBDEV 2025's page editor introduces an incredible new feature: a sophisticated 3D view of page controls.
This 3D view will quickly become essential for managing container controls: Flexbox, cells, etc.
You can enable this 3D view either for the entire page, or for a given container.
You can open the description window of any control from this view.

OAuth server included
WEBDEV Application Server 2025 includes an OAuth authentication server by default. This authentication server greatly simplifies installation, administration and programming, at no extra cost. This authentication server can also be used for SSO authentication.The OAuth authentication server provided with WEBDEV 2025 includes every functionality you might need. In particular, the server manages an account database, as well as an account administration website, where you can create and edit accounts, import accounts from an LDAP directory, etc.

Pictorial Percentage chart
The new Pictorial Percentage chart appears in version 2025.
This new chart visually illustrates data as percentages, using shapes, such as bottles, human silhouettes, thermometers, etc.
This makes information easier to understand at a glance.
A small sample of the new features included in the new versions of WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile.
Version 2025 offers an incredible amount of new, instantly useful features.
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