Integrated software for developing cross-platform applications 
The WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile environments are compatible and share project elements. It has never been easier to build multi-target applications.
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WINDEV: business solution engine at HONDA 


HONDA France distributes the entire line of cars, motorcycles and power tools (garden and maritime). HONDA is the global leader in term of mobility and motorization with over 25 million products sold worldwide. Christophe DECULTOT, CEO of HONDA France evokes a sense of innovation, including in its "Information Systems choices that represent quality and performance values". Meanwhile Régis LOUMONT, IT manager, testifies about his complete satisfaction with applications developed with WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile. The feature set of the developed projects is rich: native business solutions around SAP notably, reporting, strategic applications on iPad ...

"The productivity, the UI quality and the complete integration within the IS are major benefits. The IS department is valued, the PC SOFT IDE represents a long term choice for HONDA France", he admits.

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